Comrade Malik speaks from inside the South Texas Gulag – McConnell Unit Ad-Seg
Revolutionary Greetings Comrades! Today is August 26th, 2018. I'm holding on, not sure if my pleas for help are making their way out. Things keep on getting progressively worse here.
I arrived here on June 25th, 2018. I was classified a Level 1 in security class and a 5-4 Line Class in excellent standing, with nearly two years clear disciplinary record.
In fact, I was actually released from ad-seg on the 21st of June, 2018.
I walked the prison hallways of Ramsey I Unit in Rosharon, Texas for one single day!
Y'all should have seen all the hugs I received from Muslim brothers and other well-wishers who hadn't seen me in person for a few years. It sure felt good – one day of quasi-freedom. Then I was literally kidnapped! Texas initiated an extra-judicial rendition program against me on U.S. soil!
Sisters and brothers, what is going on here at McConnell Unit is a well-coordinated, highly illegal, and malicious campaign to retaliate against me for filing civil lawsuits – but that ain't all!
The relentless human rights and abolition works that I've been doing with the help of some very dedicated ABC collectives throughout the U.S. and Europe, along with my comrades at IWOC & IWW - well folks, I've been labeled Public Enemy #1!
When I first arrived here, Senior Warden Philip Sifuentes kept moving me just about every 3 days – F-61, B-79, F-45, and then the torture chamber F-82! F-82 was badly smoke damaged with black soot, and it became a burning hell-fire inferno at night when that cement releases a torturous thermal attack on your body – it hurt me.
I am so very thankful for all of the phone calls and emails y'all made on my behalf to get me moved downstairs to F-74. It's for from comfortable, but I will survive! I always do! Thank Allah!
I'd like to give a special revolutionary salute to Comrade Julie Schneyer of the awesome Blue Ridge ABC Collective in Asheville, North Carolina. Julie gave the corrupt and unethical Warden Sifuentes an earful – regularly! Her work, coupled with the radio support from the Final Straw Radio, made one helluva difference, but we got a lot more work to do!
I'm being isolated and silenced! I've tried to send out pleas for legal help and mail room supervisor Janet Salles and STG [Security Threat Group] Sergeant Joe D. Mireles have been literally picking specific letters to throw away! My mail is being blocked!
On July 5th, 2018, I was convicted of attempting to solicit help from Professor Victor Wallis for ending a lengthy essay about my conditions with the words “On August 21st we rise”.
When I tried to appeal this bogus case, Unit Grievance Investigator Jessica Garcia “lost” my grievance – corruption! I've reached out to Julie Schneyer and Calvin Burnap about this and still no response – it's been weeks since I wrote them, something is wrong!
I don't feel safe here, comrades! When the oppressors start intercepting your outgoing mail, that is a big red flag – it spells DANGER! Can y'all hear me?
I hope y'all can get me moved from this place! Obviously this entire move was a set-up. I'm strong, but not invincible. Something unjust & illegal is going on here!
Dare to struggle, dare to win, all power to the people!
Keith “Malik” Washington is co-founder and chief spokesperson for the End Prison Slavery in Texas Movement, a proud member of the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee, an activist in the Fight Toxic Prisons campaign and deputy chairman of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party Prison Chapter. Read Malik’s work at Send our brother some love and light: Keith “Malik” Washington, 1487958, McConnell Unit, 3001 South Emily Drive, Beeville, TX 78102.