News Article
January 8, 2018

Exposing the Lies of the State of Florida

A Statement by Haitian Prisoners on Operation PUSH

from SPARC

The following is a statement is from a group of Haitian prisoners in the FL DOC system who are supporting the prisoner strike slated to begin on Jan 15.

The timing of this statement is particularly relevant, given the anniversary of the largest and most successful slave revolts in history, also known as Haitian Independence Day. On January first, 214 years ago, rebel slaves in the Caribbean inspired slaves worldwide and shook the foundation of the global economy. They set the stage for slave revolts that would sweep the planet, crippling colonialism and toppling empires.

It also comes on the heals of President Trump insulting Haitians by stating they “all have AIDS,” as his administration opted to end the Temporary Protective Status (TPS) which was enacted after an earthquake in 2010 killed 300,000 on the island.

Today, despite all its talk of freedom, the U.S. is home to the largest literal slave population in the world, thanks to mass incarceration policies coupled with the slave clause of the U.S. Constitution’s 13th Amendment. And some of those slaves are preparing for the next uprising.

This statement below was received following publication of the Operation PUSH call to action:

Exposing the Lies of the State of Florida

It’s high time to expose the rulers, law makers, and law enforcers in Florida and in this country at large. Therefore we are calling on the people of this state to help put a stop to all the injustice, lies, and deceit once and for all, especially those of us, whom through trickery, have been victimized and as a result are entangled in the web of lies and deceit.

Throughout the presidential campaign, Donald Trump, now this nation's president, was adamant about deporting illegal and criminal immigrants. He was met with a hard fight with the governors of the states (especially the Democratic Party). Why? Because immigrants are their bread and butter.

The American people have always been led to believe that their leaders wisely put tax payers dollars to good use to keep the street of this country safe by keeping criminals  off the streets. The truth is tax dollars do not fund prisons, prisoners do. How? Free labor force!!!

Prisons in America are nothing but a different form of slavery, plantations and the citizens of the country are walking zombie banks. There are so many Haitians, Jamaican, and Latinos in the FDOC serving sentences that exceeds life expectancy and or life sentences who are not being deported. They use all immigrants, for free Labor and then deport them.

Why flood the system with immigrants waiting to be deported after serving their entire sentence? Because of the benefit. The undeniable truth is Florida prisoners are slaves who work and do not get paid. New age slaves within the prisons system!!!