News Article
June 22, 2017

Incarcerated Worker Organizing Committee Has a New Website

The Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee is excited to announce that we have a new, redesigned website. You can visit it at So update your bookmarks because will be shutting down in the end of June.

The new site makes it easier to keep up with prison rebel news, find resources for your own work, connect with a local and join and support IWOC. The site is built in Drupal, an open-source content management system, ensuring that the code is transparent and licensed for others to copy and benefit from. The site is also encrypted through Let's Encrypt, hiding your activity within the site from the state and others trying to surveil us.

We also became a member of MayFirst/People Link, an organization that provides website hosting and other technical infrastructure to help build movements for global transformation and emancipation. Learn more about their work and services at

Next Steps

Our Media Committee is already planning our next version of the site, which will build out tools to help us better manage membership, coordinate actions and other ways to empower us in our fight for prison abolition. If you have any feedback on the site, we'd love to hear it. Send it our way at

In Solidarity,

IWOC Media Committee
