IWOC Sustainer Contest! Win Cash and Prizes!!
Want to grow the IWOC revolution while having a chance to win serious bragging rights, free plane ticket, cash prizes, and more?
Whoever gets the MOST sustainers signed up as an individual, IWOC local, or branch will win big with the IWOC Sustainers Contest.
Sustainers are people who agree to make a monthly donation to IWOC. People can sign up to be sustainers in a minute on a phone or computer at our Donate page. It's quick and easy. People can sign up one time to donate any amount per month. Check out the Fundraising Toolkit for more ideas.
Keep track of the people you get signed up to be sustainers and at the end of the contest, mail your list to info@incarceratedworkers.org
Why Donate?
IWW prisoners led a 3 week prison strike in Texas this April. IWW members participated in the 10 day strike led by the Free Alabama Movement this May. IWW members on the inside are leaders in the Sept 9th Strike Call. Prison slavery’s days are numbered if we can create a mass movement on the outside to expand and support the leaders on the inside. Since our beginnings two years ago we have grown to a movement of prisoners, with 800 members in 36 states. Read how prisoners are organizing in their own words here.
Your donations will allow us to continue to expand our nationwide infrastructure to amplify prisoner voices inside and out, win demands and stop abuse, and work to abolish prison slavery and a society that needs prisons. IWOC is part of a mass movement going on in prisons – we need your help.
Core projected expenses include:
- Postage and mailing costs ($15,000/year)
- Traveling organizers/events to support mass strikes and grow prison chapters ($50,000/year)
- Conference funds to connect and grow our movement nationally ($5,000/year)