
Monday 9/24

9am (EST)- all day


Lieber’s abuses of people incarcerated in their facility have effectively created a human-rights-free zone within their walls.  Through the bars, voices of those in state cages are demanding an end to the lockdown that has kept the people incarcerated at Lieber Correctional confined to their small cells 24/7 for over a year now. To make an already horrific situation worse, the administration has covered all of the windows in the cells, denying the people inside access even to sunlight, not to mention no television, radio, tables,chairs, rec...  Medical access that is slow-response and inadequate is also a violation.

South Carolina’s governor Henry McMaster has demonstrated his level of concern for the incarcerated masses in SCDC institutions by leaving them caged in a mandatory evac zone during and in the direct storm path of Hurricane Florence.  

Captain Haney has demonstrated her level of concern for people who sustained life endangering injuries during outbursts of violence between prisoners which has been ushered in through the atmosphere of crushing tension and high anxiety that she, Warden Randall Williams and other complicit parties have created and exacerbate by continually withholding the most basic rights from those they imprison.  As a result of these transgressions, an inmate is currently in the intensive care unit clinging to life.

Horry County SC cops Joshua Bishop and Steven Flood have demonstrated their level of concern for the lives in their care, allowing Windy Newton, mother of 3, and Nicolette Green, mother of 4, to drown beneath their feet as they scurried to safety on top of the transport they used to dodge and disregard barricaded roads experiencing closures due to severe flooding.  

Break these abuses out of the isolation of darkened prison cells and let’s mass amplify and pressure those in power who believe they are operating in a vacuum.  

End the lockdown.  End restricted access.

With dignity and rage we will tear the prisons down.


Phone Zap- Fill their comms with the demands of those on the inside. Please take a moment to make both calls, to the warden and the governor.

Henry McMaster, SC Governor

Phone: 803.734.2100

Fax: 803.734.5167


Lieber Correctional Institution

General Number 843-875-3332

Ask for transfer to Captain Haney

Warden Randall Williams






Abu Sharifah (not verified)
SCDC = South Carolina Don't Care.....SCDC = South Carolina Department of Corruption. They have these guys living out of a box and a bag, no tables, chairs, or lockers, poor lighting due to windows being covered, poor vent circulation due to clogging of vents, water in the room smell like rotten eggs which is undrinkable. The staff watched prisoner stabbing roommate multiple times on 9/21/18 for 45 minutes before entering room. Medical Department as well as the Administration is incompetent. Placing enemies in the same housing unit after near death altercations between them. Medical Department taking money out of I/M accounts, charging for Chronic Care and not having enough supplies or medicine to distribute such as 13 Bottles of Tylenol or Ibuprofen for a yard that has over 500 prisoners. Food Service need to be shut down due to.various violations. The lives of every prisoner in SCDC is at stake due to understaffing and untrained as well as unqualified individuals in the place of authority. Save the Prisoners before the next uprising become a Massacre against them because it has already begun with themselves. Repeated stabbings and beatings of I/M locked behind doors at Lieber Correctional Institution and to them it is business as usual. How would you like to be given the wrong medication, food that was not prepared properly, imagine two meals on the weekend the first meal arrives at 1-2:00 in the afternoon unprepared and uneatable ? They are in Beast Mode because of how they are being treated, the administration need to get right because they are steps away from Savage Mode a mode they have created due to their incompetence. Get rid of the Director and everyone who works under him. They are all Professional Liars.
<a href="https:... (not verified)
I finally found a working link for Wink Mod APK iOS! This is amazing

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