Prisoner Resistance
Work stoppages, hunger strikes and other acts of rebellion by prisoners for justice.
Jailhouse Lawyers Speak: One Year Since Seven Fell in South Carolina
This April 15, 2019 will mark one year since the unnecessary and preventable deaths of 7 people.
JUNETEENTH: June 14-17 4th annual Fight Toxic Prisons Convergence and June 19 2nd annual End Prison Slavery Day
Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons
CDCR Is Orchestrating “Gladiator Fights” Inside Central Valley Prisons
Recently leaked videos taken February 14th and 15th show fights between prisoners breaking out in a yard at the Correctional Training Facility in Soledad, CA. After firing tear gas at the fighting prisoners, the video shows COs encircling the prisoners, but not providing aid or intervening.
New Website Launches, Documenting a Decade of Prisoner Protests
New Website Launches, Documenting a Decade of Prisoner Protests
End prison slavery in Texas now – Part 3: Knockin’ doors down
“The prison industrial complex has created a kind of ‘third-world colony’ right here in the United States. Prison systems outsource prisoners for slave labor to major corporations for pennies per day. Prisoners perform data entry and work auto industry jobs that used to belong to free-world workers.
Corcoran Hungerstrikers Win Two Demands: Strike Suspended as Negotiations Continue
On the Anniversary of #OperationPUSH, Support Prison Strikers Facing Repression
Last year today, over 160 groups signed on in support of #OperationPUSH demands, adding their voice to Florida prisoners demanding dignity, justice and a recognition of their continued humanity despite convictions.
Why independent oversight is needed right now inside Texas prisons!
Peace & Blessings, Sisters & Brothers!
Telford Unit Exposed: Investigation reveals administrative employees falsified records to mandate false disciplinary charges
During his time at the Telford Unit, Jason Renard Walker faced continual retaliation and harassment from staff attempting to silence his writing and organizing, including several attempts to frame him on false charges and to prevent him from being able to defend himself effectively.